Ikrar Kumpulan

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Thursday, 27 September 2012

curriculum specification of science from 4

Form 4
1.      Syllabus
·         Including aims, objective , subject, topics and content summary
·         methodology, learning activities and references/sources and assessment methods.
·         Examples of the topics:
Ø  Introducing science
Ø  Maintenance and continuity of life
Ø  Matter in nature
Ø  Energy in life
Ø  Technological and industrial development  in society
2.      Course / program of study
·         Core science
3.      Course content outline
·         Example in topic introducing science :
1. Scientific investigation
1.1  Analyzing  method in scientific investigation
1.2  realizing the need to practice scientific attitudes and noble values when carrying out scientific investigations
4.      Planned experiences
·         explain the steps in scientific investigation,
·         carry out a scientific investigation,
·         write a report on a scientific investigation,
·         explain the importance of  scientific investigation.
5.      Academic plan
Examples of the objectives:
·         Acquire knowledge in science and technology in the context of natural phenomena and everyday life experiences.
·         Understand developments in the field of science and technology.
·         Acquire scientific and thinking skills.
Learning objectives
Suggested learning activities
Learning outcomes
Realising the need to practise scientific attitudes and noble values when carrying out scientific investigations
View videos or computer
simulations then gather and
interpret data on the scientific
attitudes and noble values
practised by scientists.

Discuss the need to practise
scientific attitudes and noble
values when carrying out scientific
A student is able to:

· identify scientific attitudes and
noble values practised by
· explain the need to practise
scientific attitudes and noble
values when carrying out a
scientific investigation,
· practise scientific attitudes
and noble values when
carrying out a scientific

Noble values – nilai murni
practise – mengamalkan

scientific attitudes – sikap

6.      Standards
learning outcome is standard in CS that student should be able to achieve all the list outcome after the learning process.

7.      Scope and sequence
The syllabus used were arrange due to the learning levels of the student from easy to complex.

8.      Textbooks
·         There are the text book provided as the teaching and learning medium or as a main references.
As the conclusion, this curriculum specification of form 4 have all the 8 elements that state by the government.

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